iOS System Font Exploit

An interesting exploit came out for anyone who wants to customize their iPhone even further than Apple has allowed in the last few iOS releases. By downloading a .ipa to an iPhone running 16.1.2 you have the ability to change the system font. Given how deeply fonts are baked in the OS, this is one I would stay far away from.

Back in Genius training, one of the labs we did was to remove some of the core system fonts found in Macintosh HD/System/Library/ and watch the entire thing crash(or at very least the finder would stop running). Demonstrating how closely tied the fonts were as a resource to Mac OS X, and how dangerous the library folders could be to someone just poking around. Nowadays, Apple has reduced the risk by hiding the ~/Library and adding more system wipe protections like SIP to prevent this from happening.

A lesson I will never forget, and one that makes me shiver a bit when I see these types of modifications people find a way to implement. iOS has protections in place to keep everything stable, so most likely nothing bad will happen. Then again, this is an exploit and is doing things the engineers did not intended, so you never know. To each their own, though. Give it a try, if you are brave enough.

Given how the system font work on the Mac (and how Apple is about the user experince), I don’t see Apple officially adding this to iOS anytime soon. But hey, I’m wrong all the time.

A Website.